The Everlasting View

The view outside my classroom window is such a magical sight…

The trees are shaking and losing their leaves as the wind chases itself in a game of tag.The leaves are falling to the ground and  taking a vacation to go somewhere and anywhere but the tree they were stuck on for so many months.Cars pass by and sometimes I wish I was in one of them so I could ride off and not be stuck in this building of boredom . School can get boring but can also be fun when you have the imagination of a child, from the view of a window.

When school is out the children race to get outside but then are stopped by the teacher that watches them as they get to the bus that takes them home. The children say “Why should we walk? Were running out of school, not into it”But they follow the rules and walk, until their out of sight from the teacher. Then its a mad dash to get to their buses so they can get a seat.The thing is -Get a seat = Good ride home,Don’t get a seat = Stuck with the high school people,and they stink!

That’s what I see,or imagine from the view, of my classroom window.

The Stone Church Timothy Valentine via Compfight


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